DevelopDataHub Metadata ModelEntitiesTestVersion: 0.10.5On this pageTestA DataHub testAspectstestInfoInformation about a DataHub TestSchema{ "type": "record", "Aspect": { "name": "testInfo" }, "name": "TestInfo", "namespace": "com.linkedin.test", "fields": [ { "Searchable": { "fieldType": "TEXT_PARTIAL" }, "type": "string", "name": "name", "doc": "The name of the test" }, { "Searchable": { "fieldType": "KEYWORD" }, "type": "string", "name": "category", "doc": "Category of the test" }, { "Searchable": { "fieldType": "TEXT" }, "type": [ "null", "string" ], "name": "description", "default": null, "doc": "Description of the test" }, { "type": { "type": "record", "name": "TestDefinition", "namespace": "com.linkedin.test", "fields": [ { "type": { "type": "enum", "symbolDocs": { "JSON": "JSON / YAML test def" }, "name": "TestDefinitionType", "namespace": "com.linkedin.test", "symbols": [ "JSON" ] }, "name": "type", "doc": "The Test Definition Type" }, { "type": [ "null", "string" ], "name": "json", "default": null, "doc": "JSON format configuration for the test" } ] }, "name": "definition", "doc": "Configuration for the Test" } ], "doc": "Information about a DataHub Test"}RelationshipsIncomingThese are the relationships stored in other entity's aspectsIsFailingDataset via testResults.failingIsPassingDataset via testResults.passingGlobal Metadata Model